Privacy Policy

We respects and protects the privacy of the individuals that access the information and use the

services provided through them. Individually identifiable information about the User is not willfully

disclosed to any third party without first receiving the User’s permission, as covered in this Privacy


This Privacy Policy describes Unique Tours and Travels treatment of personally identifiable information that Unique Tours and Travels collects

when User is on the Unique Tours and Travels website. UNIQUE TOURS AND TRAVELS does not collect any unique information about the User (such

as User’s name, email address, age, gender etc.) except when the User specifically and knowingly

provides such information on the Website. Like any business interested in offering the highest quality of

service to clients, UNIQUE TOURS AND TRAVELS may, from time to time, send email and other communication to the User telling

them about the various services, features, functionality and content offered by UNIQUE TOURS AND TRAVELS website or seek

voluntary information from you.

Please be aware, however, that UNIQUE TOURS AND TRAVELS will release specific personal information about the User if

required to do so in the following circumstances:

a) In order to comply with any valid legal process such as a search warrant, statute, or court order, or

b) If any of User’s actions on UNIQUE TOURS AND TRAVELS’s website violate the Terms of Service or any of UNIQUE TOURS AND TRAVELS’s guidelines for

specific services, or

c) To protect or defend UNIQUE TOURS AND TRAVELS‟s legal rights or property, the UNIQUE TOURS AND TRAVELS site, or UNIQUE TOURS AND TRAVELS Users; or

d) To investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving

potential threats to the security, integrity of UNIQUE TOURS AND TRAVELS website/offerings.

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