Cancellation and Refund Policy
  • Users are hereby informed that once a booking has been made, it is strictly non-cancellable.
  • We does not accept cancellation requests. Under no circumstances shall users have the option to cancel their trip or request a refund due to any reasons, including but not limited to personal commitments, scheduling conflicts, or unforeseen circumstances.
  • under such circumstances, users shall be entitled to a refund, subject to GOA DARSHAN BUS refund policies.
  • GOA DARSHAN BUS shall not be obligated to provide any clarification or reasoning for the last-minute or advance cancellation of trips.
  • Users acknowledge and accept that the decision to cancel any trip is at the sole discretion of GOA DARSHAN BUS and may be influenced by factors beyond their control.
  • Users hereby waive any and all claims, disputes or legal actions related to trip cancellations or refund requests, except in the event of GOA DARSHAN BUS’s cancellation of the trips, as specified in point 3.
  • In case of any Refunds approved by the GOA DARSHAN BUS, it’ll take 9-15 Days days for the refund to be processed to the end customer.
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